The Kingdom

of God

God’s Eternal Purpose 


kings crown

The revolutionary message that has overthrown nations, subdued kingdoms, challenged the status quo, transformed the lives of countless thousands and given a hope that reaches into the afterlife.




The ‘Kingdom of God’ is the Bible’s most prominent theme, Jesus Christ’s central teaching and the Christian’s supreme hope and motivation.


The purpose of this website is to unravel the mystery of the ‘Kingdom of God and help readers to understand it, personally experience it and share it with everyone.


Matthew 24:14 ‘And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

As with the Kingdom of God, this website will grow like a seed: ‘first the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear!’

The author intends to write something each week and add it to the site. You can view the most recent articles by pressing the button below.


The site is organised into these six sections




