A personal word from the author

Herald trumpetWelcome!

I am assuming that this is the first page you have visited on this site, so let me tell you about my romance with the Kingdom of God.

I am a pastor, I have a wife and two grown children, with eight wonderful grandchildren! We have been active in church planting and pastoring for some decades, in UK and overseas. It has been the most wonderful privilege to have witnessed God’s Kingdom grow by conversions, to see people’s lives change by the power of the Gospel, to play a part in the creation of new churches with new believers and to experience the intervention of God by answered prayer in so many ways.

I wouldn’t have chosen a different path – even if I was paid extravagantly! To me, this is our calling and the sheer joy and fulfilment we have is more than adequate reward – being a paid pastor was an additional blessing!

Growing over the years

Over the years, my understanding of the Bible, the Christian life, the nature and function of the church and all things theological, have grown enormously. Similarly, through these same decades, the church has adapted its style, honed its doctrines, modified its emphases and experimented with new practices. But nothing can impact the entire church so much as understanding and pursuing the Kingdom of God.

That’s not to say that many are not doing just that.  They are! And the church is advancing because of it – even if it’s not obviously under the banner of ‘the Kingdom of God.’ Some are crying out for ‘Revival’ – an authentic outpouring of the Holy Spirit similar to that which occurred at the first Pentecost and at various seasons throughout church history. Amen to that! Do it again Lord!

Others are acutely involved corporate and persistent prayer with some churches practicing 24/7 prayer for the outpouring of God’s Spirit. Why not? Jesus said that his house should be ‘a house of prayer for all nations.’

Some are seeking ‘Restoration’, meaning modelling today’s church on the New Testament pattern. They would like to remove all the unbiblical and unnecessary ‘trappings’ of historic denominational practices and doctrines, returning to a simple reproduction of New Testament Christianity.

Others are pursuing new emphases, including church growth, discipleship, trans-local ministries, prophetic ministry, small-groups, house churches, spiritual gifts, every member ministry, deliverance and healing – and so on! The list is endless.

rainbow and wheat

The Kingdom of God

This present writer is unquestionably enthusiastic about all of these issues, but over the last couple of decades I have become captivated by the subject of the Kingdom of God. Looking back, I cannot believe that I spent so many years without even noticing it, let alone understanding it. Now I see it as the central subject of both Testaments, the supreme goal of Jesus’ ministry, the main goal of the first disciples’ mission and the overwhelming motivation of the apostle Paul’s vision – but strangely, it is probably the least understood or talked-about subject in Christian groups across the world today.

In the light of Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come,” I believe that God is giving revelation of the Kingdom of God in preparation for a mighty army of Kingdom subjects and soldiers who will declare and demonstrate the Kingdom of God, as God’s last call to the nations to turn to him. What an exciting adventure lies before us!

This purpose of this website is to explain what the Kingdom of God is all about and to encourage Christians to play their part in experiencing and expanding the Kingdom in these days.

A proper understanding of the Kingdom will transform a believer’s lifestyle, deepen their spirituality and equip them for greater effectiveness in their ministry. Understanding the Kingdom will motivate struggling pastors, determine biblical emphases and revolutionise their ministry. Grasping the message of the Kingdom will reshape evangelism, refocus our prayer lives and help us prioritise the activities and practices of the entire church of Jesus Christ.

As well as being the Bible’s most prominent theme, it is also the Christian’s supreme hope which provides the greatest motivation for followers of Christ.

Non-copyrighted, free to use

All the contents of this site are sections of (my) talks, results of research, quotes from other Kingdom seekers, relevant Bible passages and more. They are not copyrighted and they can be used by anyone, in public addresses or literature which promotes the Kingdom of God, as long as any named authors’ quotes are credited.

Where should you begin

You are free to browse wherever you fancy, but if you are beginning your quest for the Kingdom, the best place to start is the section called ‘Primary Teachings’, which examines the main issues we need to know concerning the Kingdom of God, historically, theologically and of course, biblically. If you read that section first you will well able to explore the other sections with better understanding.

God bless you!

For King and Kingdom

A Lazurus

Primary Teachings




